Throughout the ages, sleeves have experienced quite a journey. From their origins as colourful, held-on pieces of fabric in ancient Egypt to more tailored, fitted clothing in the Renaissance era and beyond, sleeves have been integral parts of clothing that offer more than just function. They also provide opportunities for artistry, decoration, and self-expression through delicate embroidery work or various sizes, shapes, and lengths of cuffs. Even today there is a vast array of sleeve styles for people to choose from in both casual and formal attire. It’s safe to say that the history of sleeves has indeed been fascinating and continues to be an essential part of our fashion choices.

What type of sleeve suits me?

Trying to find the perfect arm sleeve for your frame can be a daunting task, especially if you have no idea where to start. The most important factors for picking the right sleeve shape and size are body shape, comfort, and personal style preference. To choose the best sleeve for your arms, consider whether you prefer a tighter fit with shorter sleeves, or if traditional-length draping sleeves are more your speed. Arms don’t all have the same structure – different shapes and curves require different types of arm sleeve designs. Do some research on sleeve styles that fit your body type to ensure that whatever you choose looks natural and balanced on your frame. Keep in mind how certain fabrics will affect the shape of the shirt and its ability to move with you as well.

Sleeves for everyday easy wear:

Sleeves for saggy arms:

At J&S Creations Clothing you have 18 different sleeve options.

You also have the option to extend or shorten any of the sleeves.

By selecting what makes you feel comfortable, you can personalise your look and express yourself on any occasion.


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