Female body shapes are controversial – mainly because they are just confusing.

Simply check several websites and you will find celebrities typed as hourglass shape on one website and as pear on another. And it’s not just celebrities, we all tend to get it wrong when determining our own body shapes. Why is that?


Female body shapes are controversial – mainly because they are just confusing.

Simply check several websites and you will find celebrities typed as hourglass shape on one website and as pear on another. And it’s not just celebrities, we all tend to get it wrong when determining our own body shapes. Why is that?


  • I. Why Are We Still Talking About Body Shapes?
  • II. How to Determine Your Body Shapes
  • III. The 5 Basic Body Shapes

There are a number of reasons for why it’s hard to categorise bodies:

  • Firstly, everyone’s body is different. It’s hard to standardise something that is unique.
  • But also, our bodies are changing over time, and
  • weight gain or weight loss may distort your figure. We are not static objects.
  • And finally, there is no scientific way of measuring body shapes and sometimes it’s just simply hard to judge one’s own body.

Note: The body shape theory is somewhat outdated and best used to conceal or balance out particular body parts.


1. Why are we still talking about body shapes?

It is not an exact categorisation of your body per se that we are interested in here. It has more to do with the aesthetics of balance.

Balanced objects = visually pleasing

Simply put, we like looking at balanced objects (or people for that matter). It is less important if you are a so-called “apple” shape or an “inverted triangle”. The point is, the more balanced your silhouette appears, the more visually pleasing your outfit will be.

And that is a great way to use fashion. You can highlight well-loved features of your body and play down other not-so-well loved ones by using the right fits and cuts.

To find out which features of your body require some balancing work the theory of body shapes can be a useful starting point, as long as you take it for what it is supposed to be: a rough guide. You don’t have to bend yourself into any of these body shapes; they are not hard-and-fast categories.

More than one body shape?

Most likely you won’t fit into just one of the body shape categories. More often than not, we fit into one category but also lean towards another.

The key is to know which body parts make you fit into which category and then work on playing them up or down accordingly. You might have big hips like the pear but at the same time you might have wide shoulders characteristic of a triangle. Be flexible in your categorisation!

2. How to determine your body shape(s)

The least subjective way to find your body shape(s) is to measure yourself. Plus, by doing this you will always have your measurements ready if you are ever confused about the sizing of online retailers.

Measure yourself

You will need a cloth tape measure and wear as little clothing as possible to avoid incorrect measurements. Make sure you stand straight with arms to the side. The tape must be snug against the body, but not too tight so that it compresses the body – making the measurement inaccurate.

Let’s measure the following four areas of your body:

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